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error message game crash
Assigned, WishlistPublic


i was playing then i got a error message game crashed, went to reload game crashed on entering the server, tried restarting computer and reloading game same error message, tried running game and steam as admin same error


Legacy ID
Error Message
Additional Information

error message to large to upload

Event Timeline

afox edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jan 1 2016, 7:30 PM
afox set Category to Error Message.
afox set Reproducibility to Always.
afox set Severity to None.
afox set Resolution to Open.
afox set Legacy ID to 3713095057.May 8 2016, 1:24 PM

Hello, we are sorry you are experiencing issues with our game.
Could you please export your game log files from the launcher?

Steps on how to export logs from ARMA 3 Launcher:

  1. Start ARMA 3 Launcher
  2. Click the Hamburger menu tab in the launcher (Top right corner. Next to Options (Cog wheel icon) and Minimize Button)
  3. Drop down menu will appear
  4. Select: Prepare Arma Troubleshooting error and save those files
  5. A notification will pop up with the name of the generated file

Please note that the files might take a while to collect.

Attach the generated files to the ticket. If the files are too big please use some free file sharing service.