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Ai don't get cover when "move there" command is accomplished
Assigned, WishlistPublic


Ai don't get cover when "move there" command is accomplished. Ai just tell me "ready", but it remain in position also if i get they in a danger position.


Legacy ID
AI Pathfinding / Motion
Steps To Reproduce

Select a squad and give their "move there" command in a cross road. They don't looking for a cover.

Event Timeline

tibmichele set Category to AI Pathfinding / Motion.
tibmichele set Reproducibility to Always.
tibmichele set Severity to None.
tibmichele set Resolution to Open.
tibmichele set Legacy ID to 1738839375.May 8 2016, 1:24 PM


did you try to order your squad into the Combat mode?

Thank you

yes I did.
Thank u for responding

When the designated squad move themself didn't use cover

Are there any news? This game would be great if "move there" is implemented better.


would you mind uploading a video of this issue (preferably on YouTube).

It is important to keep in mind that squad will try to hold the position and will seek only cover in it's close vicinity.

Thank you

If I use "move there" command on an A.I. group they don't find a cover when they accomplished it. In this case they should looking for cover, but they don't, they stand in middle of cross way without find a cover, even if there are enemies in the area. I'll recording a video in this days...

Once you do, please make sure to post the link in the comments, thank you.