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Unable_to_init_DXGI (Game crashes)
Assigned, WishlistPublic


The game crashes randomly with an Unable_to_init_DXGI alot. It can happen right after I spawn, it can happy while going to certain places. I only tested it on maps that aren't Altis or Stratis (specifically, Chernarus Esseker and Panthera).


Legacy ID
Game Freezes
Steps To Reproduce

The only way I know to make this bug happen is by launching Panthera in the editor, placing a Hummingbird unit in the eastern airport and flying west in the valley. Just before a rivers starts flowing inside the valley your game will freeze.

This bug occurs ALOT! Happens to me alot on Exile chernarus and esseker server. I also run a private exile panthera server and it happens all the time.

Event Timeline

Yuvalino edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 20 2015, 3:46 PM
Yuvalino set Category to Game Freezes.
Yuvalino set Reproducibility to Random.
Yuvalino set Severity to None.
Yuvalino set Resolution to Open.
Yuvalino set Legacy ID to 4055115504.May 8 2016, 1:21 PM

I have the same problem

DX11 error : buffer Map failed : DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED

Code d'arrêt: 0x00000001-UNABLE_TO_INIT_DXGI

Solved it. All in ArmA Terrain got broken due to the last patch! I downloaded All in ArmA Terrain Pack Lite and it didn't happen when I tested it! It didn't crash!

So yeah, All in ArmA is bugged for me atleast.


thank you for the response. However, we cannot determine what exactly caused your game to crash. It is necessary you triy to run your Arma without any mods. If the crashes still happen then, please send another crashdumps.

If the crashes stop (on Arma without mods), please try to activate mods one by one until you find out which one causes the crashes.

Mods are not official content from Bohemia Interactive and it is very likely that the CTDs you are experiencing are caused by collisions between two or more mods.

Please let us know, thank you.

I is no mod on my arma