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Can no longer request support (air drop)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I'm not sure if anyone else has reported so i decided to do so.. I simply cannot request support, in this case an airdrop.. i have correctly synced the heli to the support module, and the module to the requester and requester to the unit, and when i press the "~" key i get nothing, and also pressing " 1 to 9 " and selecting support, shows nothing in the menu, i would love to hear that I'm doing something incorrectly, but it worked fine before the last update. {F27633}


Legacy ID
Not A Bug
AI Control / Commanding
Steps To Reproduce

put down a unit, put down a group "helicopter", put down support module, and support requester, sync the unit to the requester, sync the requester to the module, and module to the heli. try to request support with ~ or 1 to 9

Additional Information

in the photo i included you can see that the support is available and awaiting request but like i mentioned above, i cant select it with either "~" or numbers 1 to 9.
I would love to hear im doing something incorrectly, but it worked before.

would love to hear back from someone, email me anytime, plz and thx,

have a great day! :)

Event Timeline

jordo42o edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 19 2015, 2:53 PM
jordo42o edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
jordo42o set Category to AI Control / Commanding.
jordo42o set Reproducibility to Always.
jordo42o set Severity to None.
jordo42o set Resolution to Not A Bug.
jordo42o set Legacy ID to 2678597415.May 8 2016, 1:21 PM
jordo42o added a subscriber: jordo42o.

on further testing, when i put another unit down, it allows me to request support, an oversight on my part, so this report can be removed