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Say, Say3D and other soundsources are not working properly in different situations like scripts a.s.o They just go silent.
New, WishlistPublic


The say command does not work sometimes (goes silent) and does not offer the flexibility that is necessary to create certain type of mission scenario situations.

Reapeating sounds with sleep commands is really horrible and buggy. Sound does not always trigger, especially when using scripts and can't be properly stopped, repeated, paused, looped. The range of sounds using the sound command and fadeout does not seem to do anything really.

Deleting soundsources and adding them again does not always lead to a correct repetition of the sound if done. Restoring objects that include sound commands does not lead to a restart of said sounds.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Create sounds. go near soundsources, leave area of played sound, return to range.

Additional Information

If you want me to showcase this behavior to you I can invite a dev to my scenario anytime :)

Please make sound in arma dynamic managable. Necessary features for deeper immersion:

start / stop / repeat / loop sound properly in units (persons). compability with addactions e.x. action: [start alarm], [stop alarm], [pause alarm for x seconds].

Allow the attachment of ambient sound sources to moving objects like animals.
(Sidenote: On that account how about you guys import the animals and female models from dayz so we can create more realistic mission.)

Event Timeline

Daishi edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Oct 13 2015, 5:43 PM
Daishi edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Daishi set Category to Sound.
Daishi set Reproducibility to Always.
Daishi set Severity to None.
Daishi set Resolution to Open.
Daishi set Legacy ID to 651569781.May 8 2016, 12:56 PM