This is a follow-up of
Server does not have control over units located on a different locality.
After a group has been switched to a different locality (e.g. some headless clients in order to balance AI load), server isnt able to issue commands on them - the AI simply won't react and any related scripts running on the server will break due to unitReady failing.
Actually the only way to make AI still follow any command is to stream the command via network to the clients locality (with BIS_fnc_MP / remoteExec), even if the actual object can be referenced on the server.
This reduces scripting with commands to absurdity:
_group move _pos
_unit doMove _pos
_vehicle land "land"
...will not work.
You would need to script everything related to AI commands completely different for the server to still have control over the AI in any headless client environment:
[_group,_pos] remoteExec ["move", groupOwner _group]
This not only is definatly not intuitive at all, it also bloats scripted code and furthermore seems to increase network traffic too.
This limitation makes AI load-balancing (or simply switching locality on demand) impossible.
In short, server should always be master and have control over AI.