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A-164 Wipeout engaging targets on it's own when used with the 'Support Provider: CAS (Bombing Run, Virtual)' module
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When using the Supports module 'Support Provider: CAS (Bombing Run, Virtual), sometimes at random when calling in an airstrike on a large cluster of enemies (even if they're, for example: 100 meters form each other) the BLUFOR NATO A-164 Wipeout Plane, will re-engage and do multiple bombing runs on enemies that it has spotted, with the order to. This results broken scenario flows, for example if we take a player unit marks a building in a town for a bombing run, the AI will sometimes continue to engage and do bombing runs on other enemies that it has spotted in the town and in the vicinity of the original bombing run target.


Legacy ID
Ground Support
Steps To Reproduce

1.Go in the edior.

2.Choose an island (doesn't matter which)

3.Choose a location on the island, and populate it with (for the sake of this example) OPFOR CSAT units. The units should be about 15 meters away from each other, try keeping the units in the same area, whether it's a hill side, a town or a field.

  1. Place a (for the sake of this example) single BLUFOR NATO unit, make that unit player controlled.
  1. Place a the 'Support Provider: CAS (Bombing Run, Virtual)' module from the 'Support' modules category, some distance away from the OPFOR CSAT units (about 3km), keep all the parameter of said module at their defaults.

6.Place a 'Support Requester' module from the 'Support' modules category near the 'Support Provider: CAS (Bombing Run, Virtual)' module.

7.Select the 'Synchronize' (F5) tool.

8.Link the 'Support Provider: CAS (Bombing Run, Virtual)' module to the 'Support Requester' module using said tool.

  1. Link the 'Support Requester' module to the previously placed BLUFOR NATO player unit using said tool.
  1. Save the scenario into singleplayer missions.
  1. Launch said scenario.
  1. Move your BLUEFOR NATO player unit to a position that observes the area that you've put the OPFOR CSAT units in.

11.Call airstrikes using '~' --> 'Support' on said OPFOR CSAT units.

At this point you should start seeing how the A-164 wipeout engages the area and the units that have not been targeted, or that are in the vicinity of the original target area, multiple times.

Event Timeline

mal7house set Category to Ground Support.
mal7house set Reproducibility to Random.
mal7house set Severity to None.
mal7house set Resolution to Open.
mal7house set Legacy ID to 3095969742.May 8 2016, 12:45 PM
mal7house added a subscriber: mal7house.

Well, apparently when calling in Leaser Guided support, the A-164 is given a Search and History (SAD) waypoint.