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Arma 3 Launcher only showing mods that are installed to steam workshop folders
Assigned, WishlistPublic


I recently reformated my PC and reinstalled Arma 3. The arma 3 launcher does not allow me to select the folders that have mods. When I click the button to "adds a folder watched for local mods." in the Arma 3 Launcher settings I get the hour glass mouse cursor and then it never does anything.

When I click on the mods tab on the left and click the buttons to set folders there the same thing happens. The only mods it is showing are the 3 mods that were installed into the steam workshop folders. This is getting very frustrating and I cannot figure out how to fix it


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Try to activate mods through Arma 3 Launcher

Event Timeline

NiXHeX edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Aug 28 2015, 3:54 AM
NiXHeX set Category to Launcher.
NiXHeX set Reproducibility to Always.
NiXHeX set Severity to None.
NiXHeX set Resolution to Open.
NiXHeX set Legacy ID to 2434980394.May 8 2016, 12:35 PM

thank you for reporting the issue. We know that this happens to some users, but we don't know why nor we can replicate it on any of our machines. From Launcher point of view it looks like that the dialog was cancelled by the user so it is hard to write a workaround for this.

Temporary workaround is to set the compatibility option 'Disable visual themes' on arma3launcher.exe. This will force Launcher to use an old dialog because there is some other issue with the system dialogs when that option is enabled. But the point is that the old dialog will work.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

NiXHeX added a subscriber: NiXHeX.May 8 2016, 12:35 PM

Wow lol I didn't even think about checking compatibility settings. Thank you so much. The only thing I can think of is that on this format I went back to a very basic windows theme. Basically, I have the old style theme that you would have seen on XP. Maybe disabling alot of those visual themes in Windows control panel and then restoring my game from a steam backup is what caused it?

I guess that is omething to keep in mind if you have a way to pass that on and compare to other cases?

I work in technical support, but have strayed away from Windows and remembering all these tricks like the compatibility mode and am rather embarrassed I did not think of that myself.

Thanks for your Wizard, you are true to your name.