first, excuse me if my english is bad, this is not my native language.
Today I tried to install an Arma3 Server on my Dedicated Server (Debian 8.1) using this tutorial : https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Dedicated_Server
So, I created a new user named "arma3serv" and with it I installed SteamCMD (/home/arma3serv/) and then I used it to install Arma3Server in the following directory:
($ force_install_dir /home/arma3serv/arma3
$ app_update 233780 validate)
The directories /home/arma3_serv/.local/share/Arma 3 and /home/arma3_serv/.local/share/Arma 3 - Other Profiles exist. I created these directories.
And when I try to run arma3server (./arma3server), the terminal displays this to me : http://pastebin.com/k28ji4WD
I don't understand... How can I solve this issue ?