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Updates unavailable - Steam is not running
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Launcher refuses to download add-ons because it seems to believe that Steam is not running. However, Steam is running and is not in offline mode.

I've tried re-installing Steam.
I've tried deleting the "C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Launcher" folder and then used "Verify integrity of game cache" via the Steam client.
I've tried running both the launcher and the Steam client as administrator.
("Have you tried turning it off and on again?") Yes, I have tried the obvious solutions like: Rebooting, Unsubscribe, Subscribe, Disabling all Anti-virus software.
I've tried head-butting my keyboard and that still didn't help. ;)


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Launch Steam in on-line mode.
Subscribe to an add-on via the A3 Steam Workshop.
Launch Arma 3 via Steam.
Witness the launcher quickly flash the words: "Updates unavailable - Steam is not running".
Select the 'Mods' tab in the Launcher and see that no subscribed add-ons have been downloaded.

Additional Information

I have uploaded both the Launcher logs along with a screenshot that captures the error message.

A very similar issue seems to have been reported already:

Event Timeline

NerdMod edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)May 21 2015, 8:45 PM
NerdMod edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
NerdMod set Category to Launcher.
NerdMod set Reproducibility to Always.
NerdMod set Severity to None.
NerdMod set Resolution to Suspended.
NerdMod set Legacy ID to 3607087934.May 8 2016, 12:07 PM


'Witness the launcher quickly flash the words: "Updates unavailable - Steam is not running".', by the 'flash' you mean that it's replaced by 'Mods are up to date' message?

"by the 'flash' you mean that it's replaced by 'Mods are up to date' message?"

Yes. That said, it seems to be working fine now. O.o

I resubscribed to one of my own add-ons that I had previously deleted manually. Maybe my methods of madness messed up a config file and confused Steam.

Thanks anyway. :)

OK, so I'm closing the issue for now.

If it happens again, please let us know, and please upload the Launcher logs and also Steam logs (typically found in C:\program files (x86)\steam\logs).