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The F key no longer brings up weapon info
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Pressing F now only brings up weapon info in the bottom right corner if your weapon has more than one firing mode.

F is the default key for "next weapon", which brings up the info shown in the screenshot attached. This no longer works unless you have a weapon with changeable firing modes equipped.

Sniper rifles often have as little as 10 or even 5 rounds in the mag. Pressing F used to show you how many rounds you have left, how many mags you have, and what zeroing is set to. The only way to show this info now, is by actually changing zeroing. But if your sniper rifle is equipped with, say, a DMS sight, and you currently have the red-dot enabled, zeroing cannot be changed and thus you can't display this info - unless you ctrl+right-click, change zeroing, and then ctrl+right-click again. Obviously not very intuitive, and hopefully not something that was changed on purpose, which is why I'm reporting it. {F26042}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Press F with a weapon with only one firing mode - nothing happens.

Event Timeline

IncapableOfGuile set Category to Controls.
IncapableOfGuile set Reproducibility to Always.
IncapableOfGuile set Severity to None.
IncapableOfGuile set Resolution to Open.
IncapableOfGuile set Legacy ID to 2590612518.May 8 2016, 11:53 AM

Since some rifles have only one firemode pressing F cannot change the firemode and therefore doesn't bring up the weapon info. I agree there should be a feature to bring up the info even in this case.

And it did before the latest update; pressing F always brought up the weapon info (as shown in the screenshot) regardless of what weapon you had equipped.

But now, you're forced to actually change the zeroing to get this info up. I can't in my wildest dreams imagine this change was intentional.

Some sort of clarification would be appreciated:

Is this a bug?
If no, why did you change it?
If yes, (when) will it be fixed?