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No scripting command to remove main rotor from choppers
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Currently the choppers can lose their main rotor if it collides with something while spooled / in-flight.

There is currently no way to reproduce this via scripting commands.

_chopper setHit ["main_rotor_hit", 1] only damages the rotor but doesn't hide it.
_chopper animate ["HitHRotor", 1] or _chopper animate ["main_rotor_hit", 1] doesn't do anything either.

requesting that one of the above commands hides/removes the main rotor or another way to accomplish the same effect.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

To remove the main rotor

  1. Spawn a chopper
  2. Take flight
  3. Fly near another object so that the main rotor hits the object
  4. Notice the rotors disappear completely

Try and achieve the same effect using scripts

  1. Spawn chopper
  2. Look at the chopper and open debug menu
  3. Run cursorTarget setHit ["main_rotor_hit", 1]; locally
  4. Notice that the rotor gets damaged but doesn't dissappear
  5. Run cursorTarget animate ["main_rotor_hit", 1]; cursorTarget animate ["HitHRotor", 1];
  6. Notice that nothing happens
Additional Information

Once the mainrotor is removed via collision (only works while the rotor is spooled up) you can repair the main rotor with setHit ["main_rotor_hit", 0] and it will return the mainrotor to the chopper.

Event Timeline

Leshrack edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 9 2015, 8:14 PM
Leshrack edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Leshrack set Category to Scripting.
Leshrack set Reproducibility to Always.
Leshrack set Severity to None.
Leshrack set Resolution to Open.
Leshrack set Legacy ID to 1457181361.May 8 2016, 11:37 AM