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Balance of body armor needs to be adjusted
Assigned, WishlistPublic


The game has a body armor that makes a huge imbalance between the factions. Such bulletproof vests have the blue faction, partly from the green faction, and they are completely absent in the red faction. The problem is not even that these vests do not have the red faction, the problem is that these vests should not be in the game at all. The fact that the body armor can withstand several hits 7.62 at close range, and the player does not even feeling quite uncomfortable. I hope not necessarily describe what will happen to a person in real life if you shoot him at point blank range from SVD. Yes, in life there are vests that are not allowed to pass into the body of the pool is 7.62 machine gun or sniper rifle, but after such a person injured soldiers will not be able to fight, he would have broken ribs, or come off the internal organs.
The game battles take place as follows: A player red faction on the battlefield with the player blue fraction. Red faction player shoots the blue faction player several times, now the player blue team understands that shot at him, he makes a shot (only one) in the red team player. As a result, the red team player dies, and the player of the blue team is still alive.
This balance is suitable for the passage of campaign or in coop games, but this balance is absolutely unacceptable for PvP mode!

Here is a table that I made. This table shows the number of rounds (bullets caliber 6.5 mm) in the emphasis needed to kill the player:

1 V_Rangemaster_belt
1 V_BandollierB_khk
1 V_BandollierB_cbr
1 V_BandollierB_rgr
1 V_BandollierB_blk
1 V_BandollierB_oli
3 V_PlateCarrier1_rgr
3 V_PlateCarrier2_rgr
2 V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr
3 V_PlateCarrier1_blk
5 V_PlateCarrierSpec_rgr
1 V_Chestrig_khk
1 V_Chestrig_rgr
1 V_Chestrig_blk
1 V_Chestrig_oli
2 V_TacVest_khk
2 V_TacVest_brn
2 V_TacVest_oli
2 V_TacVest_blk
2 V_TacVest_camo
2 V_TacVest_blk_POLICE
3 V_TacVestIR_blk
1 V_HarnessO_brn
1 V_HarnessOGL_brn
1 V_HarnessO_gry
1 V_HarnessOGL_gry
1 V_HarnessOSpec_brn
1 V_HarnessOSpec_gry
3 V_PlateCarrierIA1_dgtl
3 V_PlateCarrierIA2_dgtl
2 V_PlateCarrierIAGL_dgtl
2 V_RebreatherB
2 V_RebreatherIR
2 V_RebreatherIA
3 V_PlateCarrier_Kerry
3 V_PlateCarrierL_CTRG
3 V_PlateCarrierH_CTRG
2 V_I_G_resistanceLeader_F
1 V_Press_F

The imbalance is terrible, and it will only get worse with increasing distance to the target. Why should I shoot at the enemy half of ammunition? This is a tactical combat simulator, and not just another Battlefield. I beg you, do something with it, it looks ridiculous and irritable.


Legacy ID
Personal Protection Armor

Event Timeline

tyler2 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Feb 17 2015, 2:22 PM
tyler2 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
tyler2 set Category to Personal Protection Armor.
tyler2 set Reproducibility to Always.
tyler2 set Severity to None.
tyler2 set Resolution to Open.
tyler2 set Legacy ID to 374093807.May 7 2016, 8:17 PM