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RscMapControl within RscControlsGroup does not move position with the dialog
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RscMapControl within RscControlsGroup does not move position with the dialog

If you create a dialog with "movingEnable = true", place a RscControlsGroup within that dialog and place a RscMapControl within the RscControlsGroup, the RscMapControl will not move position with the dialog.

However, if the same RscMapControl is placed outside of the RscControlsGroup, it does move with the display.

Unfortunately this is not a workaround, since if the RscControlsGroup does span the area of the RscMapControl, the RscMapControl cannot be interacted with as soon as the RscControlsGroup receives focus.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Won't move:
class myDlg{
idd = 7777;
movingEnable = true;
objects[] = {};
class controlsBackground

		class myBackground
			moving = 1;

class controls

		class myGroup: RscControlsGroup
			class controls
				class myMap: RscMapControl


Moves just fine, but has issues with controlling the map once the group gets focus (if they have are overlapping):
class myDlg{
idd = 7777;
movingEnable = true;
objects[] = {};
class controlsBackground

		class myBackground
			moving = 1;

class controls

		class myGroup: RscControlsGroup
			class controls
				class ...
		class myMap: RscMapControl


Additional Information

Related to #0019915

Event Timeline

Gundy edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 28 2015, 1:19 AM
Gundy edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Gundy set Category to Scripting.
Gundy set Reproducibility to Always.
Gundy set Severity to None.
Gundy set Resolution to Open.
Gundy set Legacy ID to 686252806.May 7 2016, 8:10 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: Gundy.Jan 28 2015, 1:19 AM