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Cockpit first-person view in all air vehicles is excessively bright after a few seconds / HUD contrast too low
New, WishlistPublic


Everytime I board an air vehicle after some seconds in first-person view the screen content is shown excessively bright after a few seconds (about 5) which makes flying the plane very difficult and reading the HUD nearly impossible. As far as I remember this issue was not present pre-1.36, maybe pre-1.34 . The attached screenshot shows a comparison between the instant when first-person view is activated (left hand side, how it should look like) to the steady-state after some seconds (on the right hand side, the mentioned problem of very high brightness, low contrast). In top-right of the screenshot the HUD is shown when the aircraft is powered on. Depending on the background the HUD is nearly unreadable due to too low contrast. I would very much wish the contrast of the HUD to be improved.

It looks like the effect differs a bit depending on the background, i.e. if the plane is on the runway (brighter) or next to it in grass (less bright than on runway) {F25406}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  • place any air vehicle with player as pilot in the editor on a runway
  • enter preview
  • wait some seconds
  • observe the effect shown in the screenshot
Additional Information

Could be reproduced in ArmA3 vanilla (no mods) with multiple air vehicles, Altis as well as Stratis, not in virtual but there are no objects outside so I could not easily see this.

I was searching if someone else reported an issue here or in the bohemia forums or anywhere else but could not find anything comparable. Maybe I searched for the wrong keywords and this was already reported somewhere. I would be very glad for a hint. If, on the other hand, no one observed this so far I am wondering what might be special for my setup ...

Event Timeline

diesel edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 15 2015, 6:12 PM
diesel edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
diesel set Category to Visual-GUI.
diesel set Reproducibility to Always.
diesel set Severity to None.
diesel set Resolution to Open.
diesel set Legacy ID to 2622160642.May 7 2016, 8:06 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: diesel.Jan 15 2015, 6:12 PM

I also have this problem, and its still not fixed :(

HUD could at least be much brighter.