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HandleDamage fires a weird damage value to the head when a unit gets shot in a leg
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Here the rpt

12:18:17 "[a,"head",2.90463e-005,<NULL-object>,"B_65x39_Caseless"]"
12:18:17 "[a,"",0.314732,B Alpha 1-1:1 (Giallustio),"B_65x39_Caseless"]"
12:18:17 "[a,"",0.314732,B Alpha 1-1:1 (Giallustio),"B_65x39_Caseless"]"
12:18:17 "[a,"head",2.90463e-005,B Alpha 1-1:1 (Giallustio),"B_65x39_Caseless"]"
12:18:17 "[a,"body",0.000185798,B Alpha 1-1:1 (Giallustio),"B_65x39_Caseless"]"
12:18:17 "[a,"hands",0.000468981,B Alpha 1-1:1 (Giallustio),"B_65x39_Caseless"]"
12:18:17 "[a,"legs",1.27511,B Alpha 1-1:1 (Giallustio),"B_65x39_Caseless"]"


Legacy ID
No Bug
Steps To Reproduce

Open the editor.
Add a unit player and a freindly AI called a.
In the init.sqf write:
a addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{diag_log format ["%1",_this];0}];

Run the mission and shoot at the unit in a leg

Open the rpt.

Event Timeline

Gi4llustio edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Gi4llustio set Category to Scripting.
Gi4llustio set Reproducibility to Always.
Gi4llustio set Severity to None.
Gi4llustio set Resolution to No Bug.
Gi4llustio set Legacy ID to 3056825249.May 7 2016, 7:56 PM

As you can see the value is extremely small, probably some kind of internal damage redistribution based on external damage.

Are you kidding me? "head",2.90463e-005

Not sure what I am kidding you about, that the value 2.9*10^-5 is very small or that there is some mechanism of calculating internal damage redistribution?

e-005 I check this twice, and I read it as a + twice.
I'm really sorry, you're right. The first time i read it I was o.O
You can close the ticket