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Addon Builder does not generate texHeaders.bin
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I have worked on a few retextures of various vehicles to up my script skills in the Arma environment.

Addon folder structure is as follows:

Root folder: blackfoot_retex
-> Folder: data

-> File: heli_attack_01_co.paa

-> File: config.cpp

Currently I have three different outcomes which appear to be of random apperance. The outcomes are as follows:

  1. AddonBuilder Error: Build Failed, Error Code=1. It failes to create the blackfoot_retex.pbo
  1. AddonBuilder does convert all the files but does not generate a texHeaders.bin. If I start Arma with the addon and place e.g. the retextured AH99 Blackfoot in the editor and go into preview, it gives back an error message "Can not load texture \blackfoot_retex\data\heli_attack_01_co.paa".
  1. AddonBuilder does convert ONLY the config.cpp into .bin, ignoring the data folder which contains the texture .paa mentioned above entirely.

I have included the config.cpp which is based on other addons which work fine in Arma 3 where I edited the class names and paths. I concluded that the main reason why the texture can not be loaded in Arma 3 is because of the missing texHeaders.bin inside the addon root folder which is the main problem for me. I think it might be an issue with Arma 3 Tools' Binarize tool.

Using FileBank does pack all the files into a .pbo but does not generate a texHeaders.bin either.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

No steps possible due to random appearance.

Additional Information

Addon Builder Version: 1.0.127421

Event Timeline

hero edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Nov 24 2014, 12:54 AM
hero edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
hero set Category to Tools.
hero set Reproducibility to Random.
hero set Severity to None.
hero set Resolution to Duplicate.
hero set Legacy ID to 1975512928.May 7 2016, 7:52 PM