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Rotor torque loading incorrect with aft and foward cyclic input during forward speed, and high G manuvers.
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Aft Cyclic input with forward speed should lower rotor torque and increase rotor RPM.

Forward Cyclic input with forward speed will increase rotor torque and lower rotor RPM

The current behavior is the reverse. Forcing the completely wrong and reverse control inputs on the collective as compared to real life.

The first page of basic flight manuvers of helicopters from the FAA mention inputs and their effect on torque loading. Read page 9-2.

"• Left turns, torque increases (more antitorque). This applies to most helicopters, but not all.
• Right turns, torque decreases (less antitorque). This applies to most helicopters, but not all.
• Application of aft cyclic, torque decreases and rotor speed increases.
• Application of forward cyclic (especially when immediately following aft cyclic application), torque increases and rotor speed decreases."

Note. This applies to counter clockwise helicopters for left right cyclic movement. Clockwise rotating will be the reverse. It would be nice for right and left cyclic to have an effect as well. But aft and forward cyclic really needs to be fixed to get that more realistic behavior in the control inputs, and allows for proper energy management of the helicopter.


Legacy ID
Helicopters DLC
Steps To Reproduce

Get into a xH-9 family. Fly forward to 150km/h, and pull aft on the cyclic. Torque loading goes way up, and rotor rpm drops. Pushing forward will reduce it.

Additional Information

I had originally brought this up in the Dev branch. But it was never addressed, but I never filed a feedback tracker for it. So doing it now.

Event Timeline

Quickvenge edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Quickvenge set Category to Helicopters DLC.
Quickvenge set Reproducibility to Always.
Quickvenge set Severity to None.
Quickvenge set Resolution to Open.
Quickvenge set Legacy ID to 1740293514.May 7 2016, 7:46 PM

torque is still wanky