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Helicopter with sling loaded vehicle immediately explodes after unit-switching to its pilot
Acknowledged, WishlistPublic


I recently tried the following scenario in editor:
I have given a helicopter a waypoint (in editor) to sling load my vehicle which I was driving. The helicopter pilot was set as playable and my aim was to unit-switch to him during the flight while I was already sling loaded. When in flight, I unit-switched to the pilot and the helicopter immediately start spinning around and exploded - I was unable to do anything with it.
This also happens when Im not inside the sling loaded vehicle but only watching from distance and then switching to the pilot of the carrying helicopter. This only happened to me with the Advanced FDM enabled.


Legacy ID
Advanced Flight Model
Steps To Reproduce
  1. place a helicopter in editor, set it "Flying" and make it's pilot playable
  2. place a sling-loadable vehicle with player as a driver (or place a player as a unit somewhere nearby to watch)
  3. place a waypoint for the helicopter to sling load the vehicle and fly somewhere with the sling loaded vehicle
  4. play the scenario and wait until the helicopter picks up the vehicle
  5. while the chopper is flying make a unit-switch (press U) to the helicopter's pilot and watch what happens.
Additional Information

This seems to happen only when the Advanced FDM is enabled so I presume this is an Advanced FDM bug. Bug occurs with ANY helicopter (funniest with Pawnee!).

This also happens if I as a pilot sling load some vehicle, then switch to some other playable unit on the ground and then switch back to the helicopter pilot while still having the vehicle sling loaded.

Event Timeline

NumberFour edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
NumberFour set Category to Advanced Flight Model.
NumberFour set Reproducibility to Always.
NumberFour set Severity to None.
NumberFour set Resolution to Open.
NumberFour set Legacy ID to 3184185383.May 7 2016, 7:44 PM
Koala added a subscriber: Koala.May 7 2016, 7:44 PM
Koala added a comment.Nov 10 2014, 1:31 PM

confirmed and upvoted

oukej added a comment.Nov 10 2014, 4:05 PM

Hey & thanks for the report! We'll look into it.