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Game not responding when starting a game from steam
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This issue have been bugging me since update 1.30, at first I thought my PC just simply too old for this game but today some of my friends are starting to report the same issue.

The problem is, whenever I started a game. A game freeze then went into "not responding" for 8-10 minute, while in this state, the game consumed upto around 2 GB of ram before went down to around 400 MB when the game successfully get me to the mainmenu.

And that wasn't the only problems so far.

Whenever I call a menu in-game via "Esc" the game freeze for like 10-20 seconds then open menu normally or when I was trying to change my profile settings. the game freeze. {F25051}


Legacy ID
Game Freezes
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Launch game from steam. (Set launch option "-skipintro -nosplash -world=empty -mod=")
  2. The game will go into "not responding" state after 5 seconds.
  3. Wait 8-10 minutes.
  4. Successfully entered the game.
Additional Information

When in-game these option will also freeze the game for about 10 seconds (it didn't crash).

  • Changing profile setting.
  • Press "Esc" to call a menu while in-game (Single player, Multiplayer and Editor).

Before patch 1.30 my PC could handle this game just fine. It only takes like 1 minute to get in the game mainmenu and instant "Esc" to call the menu in-game.

Here's my PC specs
AMD Phenom955 X4 3.2 Ghz
8 GB of RAM
AMD 7850HD 4 GB

Event Timeline

boonjate edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Oct 28 2014, 5:12 PM
boonjate edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
boonjate set Category to Game Freezes.
boonjate set Reproducibility to Always.
boonjate set Severity to None.
boonjate set Resolution to Open.
boonjate set Legacy ID to 2091193860.May 7 2016, 7:42 PM

Update 31/10/2014 4:09 AM

The game somehow mysteriously returned to normal.

I wonder if the dev team just did their magic.

I will update this issue if anything happen again.