My group came out of a 3-month hiatus recently in order to play, but we have been unable to due to the server crashing a few minutes after the beginning of a mission, nearly every time.
Initial testing revealed that it was mods causing the server to crash. Narrowing it down, we found that CBA was the culprit. This is unacceptable to us; CBA is required for many mods we consider important.
More testing showed that CBA could simply be running on the client while the server runs no mods and the server will still crash. If the server runs CBA while the client runs no mods, the server will also crash. If neither the client nor the server are running CBA, the server does not crash. This allows for the use of certain mods like AllinArma Terrain Pack and some weapon mods. The server does not crash with these mods enabled.
This crash occurs a few minutes after mission start, typically between 1 and 15 minutes into the mission, averaging about 3-5 minutes in.
It seems as if the crash occurs when enemy AI are present in the mission. I have one or two other testing missions in which either only civilian AI are present or none at all. With these missions running, the server does not crash despite CBA running on either the client or the server. {F24717}