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Analysis of the physics and relative bugs of each type of helicopter in A3
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In new A3 helicopter physic some forces are wrong set.

Briefly, here is what happens during takeoff:
1-Collective increase AoA of the main rotor blades
2-This generate a torque that make the helicopter turn in the opposite side of the rotor movement: right for counterclockwise and left for clockwise main rotor movement
3-You must compensate the torque with rudder input that increase the AoA of tail rotor blades and generate a countertorque force that keep the helicopter aligned with the horizon
4-Icreasing the tail rotor blades AoA you generate also a perpendicular drift that results in a lean in the opposite side you apply the pedal: right for counterclockwise helicopters and left for clockwise
5-You must compensate this lateral lean with cyclic input on the opposite side so: left for counterclockwise and right for clockwise.

So summarizing:
-In counterclockwise helicopter you must compensate with left pedal and left cyclic
-In clockwise helicopter you must compensate with right pedal and right cyclic

Let's see what happens in A3:

-HUMMINGBIRD and PAWNEE--> counterclockwise main rotor turn
--You need left cyclic and a TOO LOW left pedal input
--Force direction is correct but the torque generate is really too low--> also reported here:

-BLACKFOOT, GHOSTHAWK and MOHAWK--> counterclockwise
--left pedal and RIGHT cyclic!!!
--It's WRONG! The lean must be in right direction not left in counterclockwise helicopter!! Then you should compensate with left cyclic not right!

-ORCA--> clockwise
--You need right cyclic and a TOO LOW right pedal input
--Force direction is correct but the torque generate is really too low

-HELLCAT--> clockwise
--You need right cyclic and a TOO LOW-WRONG DIRECTION left pedal input
--Here the lean direction is wrong: it should be left for clockwise helicopter
--Moreover the torque generate (also in a wrong direction) is really too low!!!

-FM 3-04.203 Fundamentals of Flight - US Army
-DCS and Flight Simulator X

For Bohemia: please consider also this other issue of mine: {F24576}


Legacy ID
Advanced Flight Model
Steps To Reproduce

1-Activate advanced flight model
2-Deactivate Automatic Trim
3-Walk onboard of an heli

Additional Information

Eagle_Flying - 9th Generic Unit Helicopter Instructor

For other info see my manuals:

Event Timeline

EagleFlying edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
EagleFlying set Category to Advanced Flight Model.
EagleFlying set Reproducibility to Always.
EagleFlying set Severity to None.
EagleFlying set Resolution to Open.
EagleFlying set Legacy ID to 3739416715.May 7 2016, 7:12 PM