In new A3 helicopter physic some forces are wrong set.
Briefly, here is what happens during takeoff:
1-Collective increase AoA of the main rotor blades
2-This generate a torque that make the helicopter turn in the opposite side of the rotor movement: right for counterclockwise and left for clockwise main rotor movement
3-You must compensate the torque with rudder input that increase the AoA of tail rotor blades and generate a countertorque force that keep the helicopter aligned with the horizon
4-Icreasing the tail rotor blades AoA you generate also a perpendicular drift that results in a lean in the opposite side you apply the pedal: right for counterclockwise helicopters and left for clockwise
5-You must compensate this lateral lean with cyclic input on the opposite side so: left for counterclockwise and right for clockwise.
So summarizing:
-In counterclockwise helicopter you must compensate with left pedal and left cyclic
-In clockwise helicopter you must compensate with right pedal and right cyclic
Let's see what happens in A3:
-HUMMINGBIRD and PAWNEE--> counterclockwise main rotor turn
--You need left cyclic and a TOO LOW left pedal input
--Force direction is correct but the torque generate is really too low--> also reported here:
-BLACKFOOT, GHOSTHAWK and MOHAWK--> counterclockwise
--left pedal and RIGHT cyclic!!!
--It's WRONG! The lean must be in right direction not left in counterclockwise helicopter!! Then you should compensate with left cyclic not right!
-ORCA--> clockwise
--You need right cyclic and a TOO LOW right pedal input
--Force direction is correct but the torque generate is really too low
-HELLCAT--> clockwise
--You need right cyclic and a TOO LOW-WRONG DIRECTION left pedal input
--Here the lean direction is wrong: it should be left for clockwise helicopter
--Moreover the torque generate (also in a wrong direction) is really too low!!!
-FM 3-04.203 Fundamentals of Flight - US Army
-DCS and Flight Simulator X
For Bohemia: please consider also this other issue of mine: {F24576}