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Group wont follow helicopter waypoints due to enemy helicopter
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I place a mowhawk helicopter down and a group of soldiers and i then place the following waypoints: MOVE, GET IN, GET OUT, GET IN(Gets in Empty Zamak), GET OUT, MOVE, SENTRY.

I sync a trigger to the first move waypoint and once activated the AI get in the heli and sometimes they will notice an enemy ghost hawk instantly and will panic and flee and sometimes they will get close to the GET OUT waypoint and notice the ghost hawk and hover. I have used the following commands to fix this, but has not worked: allowFleeing, Setcaptive, DisableAI. Actually when i use the allowFleeing command the AI will actually fly towards the ghost hawk completely ignoring its waypoints alltogether.


Legacy ID
AI Pathfinding / Motion
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Place a Mowhawk at Stratis Airfield on the runway
  2. Place a Group of Opfor Infantry rifleman
  3. Place a ghost hawk at Camp Rogain with Blufor infantry group and have them get in the ghost hawk and fly towards Camp Maxwell
  4. For the Opfor on the airfield place a MOVE, GET IN (Mowhawk), GET OUT (At Air Station Mike-26).
  5. Place a trigger in the path of the BluFor Ghost Hawk with Activation: Blufor Once Present and sync it with the MOVE waypoint for OpFor.

Once that fails try allowFleeing 0 and the once the mowhawk is in the air and sees the ghost hawk they will go after it and ignore waypoints.

Additional Information

Been trying to get this to work for days, i just want them to ignore the enemy units and follow waypoints. However nothing works ive tried many behaviors, combat modes, speeds and commands nothing seems to work.

Event Timeline

MethodFud edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
MethodFud set Category to AI Pathfinding / Motion.
MethodFud set Reproducibility to Always.
MethodFud set Severity to None.
MethodFud set Resolution to Open.
MethodFud set Legacy ID to 2876192723.May 7 2016, 6:57 PM