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Item dupe bug
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This is mainly a prob for the breaking point mod, but it can only be fixed with the Aram3 team. It's a simple dupe bug in the game when someone tries to give an item to some one while that same person takes the item it will produce to items an so on... can do it unlimited times.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

have to people access one another's back pack. from there choose an item it can be anything. then have both people constantly right click on that item from on persons bag to the other an little by little it will start to duplicate that item. ammo,guns, food etc...

Additional Information

Not sure how important this is to others but this is not just for the breaking point mod.. this is just an in game bug that cam be reproduced in any game mode you play as long you have another person helping you. to me this is very important to fix since i play breaking point all the time.. but even in MP matches i dont want X amount of people with the best guns (even tho best gun is not the same for everyone else)

Event Timeline

alucardxva edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
alucardxva set Category to Inventory.
alucardxva set Reproducibility to Always.
alucardxva set Severity to None.
alucardxva set Resolution to Open.
alucardxva set Legacy ID to 2268045321.May 7 2016, 6:57 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: AD2001.Jul 12 2014, 7:25 PM