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Can't find my MP game form server list
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After arma3 1.22 update, I cant host coop games anymore. Earlier I hosted coops and they automatically were hosted through GameSpy, now that GameSpy is gone. My friend cant find my game at all. We tryed with multiple different missions, settings. With direct IP joining and all kind of different filters but doesnt work.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Host:Multiplayer -> New -> select mission -> Continue

Other player:Multiplayer -> Try to find Host's game

Additional Information

Cant host MP game (v.1.22.125300)

Port fowarding didn't help.

Event Timeline

macchky edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jun 20 2014, 8:48 PM
macchky edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
macchky set Category to Multiplayer.
macchky set Reproducibility to Always.
macchky set Severity to None.
macchky set Resolution to Open.
macchky set Legacy ID to 312342411.May 7 2016, 6:48 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: Bohemia.May 7 2016, 6:48 PM


Me and my friends love too try out new things in the editor.
But now we cant find eachother anymore in the server list.
We still find wasteland,teetimes,king of hill but since we cant show our skills in MP we dont find any fun in the editor.
Hope that they find the problem fast.

News !
Temporally fix is port fowarding 2302 or 2300-2305 gameport.
I suspect that
Before 1.22 update, Arma3's UPnP did work fine.
But after update, the UPnP seems not to work.

Tea added a subscriber: Tea.May 7 2016, 6:48 PM
Tea added a comment.Jun 24 2014, 6:27 PM

Same issue, even after opening ports

Thx macchky for the reply but still no luck.
I even asked the help from a friend who does this kind of things for a living.
Im not giving up. If we find a solution i will post.

same issue here. seems to be a lot that has that probleme after gamesspy has shutdown.
and port forwarding dossens help.

We have tried some other things.
Even hosting as a server instead of client.
Nothing works.
I have checkt arma2 and the MP hostings works but the logo of gamespy is still there.
This problem should be on the top of complaints.

Kev6310 added a subscriber: Kev6310.May 7 2016, 6:48 PM

The same for me.
Impossible to find my friend server in the browser.
He can't find my server when I create one.

Forwarding ports didn't help.

Glad to say it is working again.
Dont know if BIS did something but MP hosting is working again.

I got rid of all the changes i made.
I opent port 2300-2305 ,made one with TCP and one with UDP.

Works like it did in the past.

JayyTee added a subscriber: JayyTee.May 7 2016, 6:48 PM

For me and my friends it's not working again.
We tried it yesterday. I can see a huge list of public servers, which I/we are also able to join. But when we filter for our own servers they are not visible.

First I was opening a multiplayer session but my friend couldn't find it.
Then my friend opened a game but I also did not see it.

I opened the ports as advised on my router before but it didn't help.