Corpse and wreck cleanup functionality seem to miss certain objects such as "CraterLong" and "Ruins". This is perhaps, a feature by design, not a bug.
Accordingly, in addition to built-in corpse and wreck cleanup functionality, it is still necessary to include mission scripting to handle cleanup of:
- abandoned vehicles, statics and mines
- GroundWeaponHolder and WeaponHolderSimulated
- craters created by air crashes "CraterLong"
- ruins
Some script-created objects such as "test_EmptyObjectForFireBig" and "test_EmptyObjectForFireBig", once created, cannot be identified by allMissionObjects or entities "typename". In order to delete them, they have to be found using nearestObjects with [] in the type parameter.
Objects such as "EmptyDetector", "#destructioneffects" and "#smokesource" cannot be deleted at all and accumulates to large numbers over time.
Feature Request: Current corpse and wreck cleanup is based on limit and time. Would be nice if corpse and wreck cleanup includes a player in proximity or in view of player parameter. Despawning objects close to and in players view, affects the realism of the gameplay experience.