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AI consistently shoots at a point beneath infantry with Ghosthawk miniguns.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


AI door gunners using the gattling guns on the ghosthawk miss infantry consistently because they are shooting at a point just below the target's feet.

Enemy infantry can walk out into the open, stand still, pull out a missile launcher, lock on and then fire with a ghost hawk blazing away and take no damage. The degree the door gunners miss by increases dramatically with range.

Also the bullet dispersion on the door guns is almost non-existent, which seems very wrong for "mini-guns".


Legacy ID
AI Aiming / Shooting
Steps To Reproduce

Get a fully crewed ghost hawk, fly it to a point a few hundred meters from some AI targets and order the gunners to open fire. Even while you are hovering and holding the helicopter steady the AI will consistently shoot the ground in front of infantry targets.

Event Timeline

nakor edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)May 10 2014, 7:34 AM
nakor edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
nakor set Category to AI Aiming / Shooting.
nakor set Reproducibility to Always.
nakor set Severity to None.
nakor set Resolution to Suspended.
nakor set Legacy ID to 2233752356.May 7 2016, 6:35 PM
oukej added a comment.Jun 3 2014, 5:36 PM

I find them quite deadly or missing the target in a random fashion. Your experience resembles as if the miniguns were incorrectly aligned, but they seem quite ok as well. Could you please eventually try it with different AI skill / difficulty and see at what approx. values the gunners miss too much?

Thanks a lot!