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ai take command after my deth in mp game
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each game on mp mission if i die some of my ai take command of others and start saying them whot 2 do.

exemple 1
in cti mission i baying 5 missile lunchers (or artilery) put ai as gunners in and then i go vs laser maker 2 mark targets for arty
if i die someone of my 5 gunners taekin command of others and say them 2 desembark - so after my respaun i must put them all back

exemple 2
i bayed 3 tanks and ordered them go 2 town - and if i die befor they come 2 point - they can run back or stay and wait befor i respaun or desembark or do somthing else but not go 2 first my order

sorry about my inglish but thet made me raly mad in mp missions

i dont remember direct but in ofp or arma 1-2 it was fixed by config command or not?

thenks 2 all who can help me


Legacy ID
AI Control / Commanding
Steps To Reproduce
  1. put ais in vehicle and order them move 2 point
  2. just die
Additional Information

i remember thet problem always was in mp missions in OFP and arma 1-2
i remember it was fixed
i fogot how it was fixed

Event Timeline

HELLO edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)May 1 2014, 1:45 AM
HELLO edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
HELLO set Category to AI Control / Commanding.
HELLO set Reproducibility to Always.
HELLO set Severity to None.
HELLO set Resolution to Open.
HELLO set Legacy ID to 4259131802.May 7 2016, 6:32 PM
oukej added a comment.Jul 8 2014, 1:34 PM

Thank you for the report!

Without knowing the circumstances it's hard to tell why the AI reacts that way. Once a player in the command of an AI dies, the AI becomes fully autonomous and will start engaging targets - if it knows about any - and completing assigned objectives on its own.

Basic behavior can also be heavily altered by the mission design. (way the AI gets created, what WP it initially gets, assigned to the player, what's done in extension if player in the command dies, how they are re-assigned to the player after respawn)

Would you be able, please, to provide more detail, ideally a simple repro mission with an incorrect AI behavior?

Thank you!