each game on mp mission if i die some of my ai take command of others and start saying them whot 2 do.
exemple 1
in cti mission i baying 5 missile lunchers (or artilery) put ai as gunners in and then i go vs laser maker 2 mark targets for arty
if i die someone of my 5 gunners taekin command of others and say them 2 desembark - so after my respaun i must put them all back
exemple 2
i bayed 3 tanks and ordered them go 2 town - and if i die befor they come 2 point - they can run back or stay and wait befor i respaun or desembark or do somthing else but not go 2 first my order
sorry about my inglish but thet made me raly mad in mp missions
i dont remember direct but in ofp or arma 1-2 it was fixed by config command or not?
thenks 2 all who can help me