I have noticed how there is great potential in lenghtening the single player open world component between main missions. side mission do not only permit to deal with a single specific event, but rather take place in a living world, where patrols can be seen regularly. This can permit, when completing a side mission such as 1 Shot 1 Kill, to stock up on equipement you would like to use but might be lacking in the encampement.
Although, when trying to collect some supplies on my own between many main mission, loading it on a vehicule, rather it be a offroad or a 4x4 pick up truck, when leaving the patrol state, im am loaded back right at the entrance of the camp, without the vehicule I was driving previously, loosing all the ''loot'' I had brought back. It might take away from the idea of being short on supplies, but I really feel that someone that has managed to get by some particular pieces of equipement should be entitled to carry them back to the camp and have it be there after the loading screen.
That can also apply to the vehicule they managed to ''scavenge'' and bring back to the camp on their own accord. There behing no way to leave the camps but on foot, it would be very interesting to have a personal vehicule to use to get to those side missions.