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Request for command "getArtillerySolutions"
New, WishlistPublic


It will be very useful to have a scripting command named "getArtillerySolutions" to obtain the firing solutionS (direction + elevation, for high and low solutions) to fire on a target position.

This command should look like getArtilleryETA :

Syntax: unit getArtillerySolutions [targetPosition, magazineType]

unit: Object - artillery unit
targetPosition: Position - position of the target
magazineType: String - type of magazine used

Return Value: Array
The array contains the high and the low firing solutions according to this format : [[elevation high, direction high], [elevation low, direction low]].
If one of the high/low solution is not valid for the given firing parameters, its sub-array should be empty (e.g. : [[elevation high, direction high], []]).


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Event Timeline

madbull edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 24 2014, 3:12 PM
madbull edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
madbull set Category to Scripting.
madbull set Reproducibility to N/A.
madbull set Severity to None.
madbull set Resolution to Open.
madbull set Legacy ID to 1741906086.May 7 2016, 6:16 PM

Note : "direction high" and "direction low" will be always the same value with the arma ballistics.
But using this returned array format is more accurate and pratical (empty sub-array means "solution not exists").

There is already a command for this: inRangeOfArtillery

The high or low trajectory don't really matter as long as the artillery is able to hit the target. The flighttime can be retrieved with the getArtilleryETA command.

If you want to get exact values, the mathematics behind ballistic paths are not that complex.

The command inRangeOfArtillery returns a boolean, not the firing angles.

I know the mathematics are not complex (I implemented it on A2), but we still need a scripting command because :

  • we can't easily/accurately know what is the selected shell's charge (close, far, extreme, ...) and its effect on ballistics
  • the implementation is much faster and already exists on the A3 engine side

The high or low trajectory don't really matter as long as the artillery is able to hit the target.

It matters. The flying time is very different (can be 10 sec low and 35 sec high).
The accuracy and impact angle is not the same too.

This would be a great addition.

It might be nice as well if it returned solutions for all of the available charges for the shell, or if we could specify what charge to calculate the solution for.

Then of course, a command to determine the current charge setting that is selected would be nice (and an indicator on the non-artillery computer UI).

Absolutely agreed with this remark :
"Then of course, a command to determine the current charge setting that is selected would be nice (and an indicator on the non-artillery computer UI)."

These two points are a missing.