When starting up the Zeus showcase fresh, an error pertaining to damage states of OPFOR soldiers shows up. Then, the mission starts normally, however no prompts are given to the player, the soldiers being shot at do not die, and the Zeus menu cannot be accessed. {F23466}
- Legacy ID
- 677357604
- Severity
- None
- Resolution
- Open
- Reproducibility
- Always
- Category
- Zeus - Missions
Steps To Reproduce
- Start Arma 3 Dev Build
- Open the "play" menu
- Select "showcases"
- Click on "showcase Zeus"
- Either start it fresh or say "restart"
- Mission loads, error pops up
- Select "Ok"
- Mission fails to function
Event Timeline
Comment Actions
I've uploaded the error message.
Looks like the 'allowdamage' command is completely messed up. What were you trying to do?