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artillery computer of scorcher spreads shells over area
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while trying to manually shoot the scorcher at low angle i tried to use the output provided when shooting with the artillery computer. but i noticed that when i shot repeatedly at a target, and switched everytime back to the gunner view, the gun elevation would never be the same. i did a little test, shot 7 rounds on a target 16,3 km away, angle ranged from 78,28 to 78,96 which results in a spread of 936m (if my math is correct).
i also did a test with the same range for the sandstorm, with similar effects: angles ranged from 77,54 to 78,19.
i don't know exactly how big the dispersion would be without this effect, but from my experiences of guesstimating the low angle manually it would be around 10-50 m, depending on the distance and type of artillery charged used.


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Steps To Reproduce

place player as uav operator
place scorcher/sandstorm next to it
place target with uav near it around 15 km away
enter gunner seat, open artillery computer
shoot one shot at the target, then hit escape, write down the gun elevation
repeat this process several times, you'll end up with lots of different elevations

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quantenfrik edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
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quantenfrik set Reproducibility to Always.
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quantenfrik set Resolution to Open.
quantenfrik set Legacy ID to 2960816752.May 7 2016, 6:07 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: AD2001.Mar 8 2014, 5:08 PM