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ARMA 3 issues when "My Documents" links to a CIFS network share, and misleading error message.
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When "My Documents" is linked to a network resource (e.g. "My Documents"-->"\\DISKSTATION\My Documents", where "\\DISKSTATION" is a Synology DS213j NAS, ARMA 3:

  1. Cannot load Scenarios from Steam's Workshop and generates a confusing, unrelated error message informing the user that there not enough disk space.
  2. Cannot save/load game progress, without any error message.


  1. Map the network (NAS) drive to a local drive letter (e.g. "G:").
  2. Link "My Documents" to this local drive.


Quick Fix: Patch ARMA 3 to recognize when "My Documents" is linked to a CIFS network share, then provide the end user with a meaningful error message and help/advise on how to overcome it (e.g. above workaround).

Full Fix: Patch ARMA 3 to support CIFS network shares.

I first reported this bug on the Steam Community:


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Share a folder on another computer or a Network Attached Storage device using CIFS (e.g. "\\COMPUTER_NAME\shared_folder")
  1. Using Windows Explorer, go to "C:\Users\user_name\", right-click on "My Documents" or "Documents" and select "Properties".
  1. In "Documents Properties", open tab "Location", then click on button "Move..."
  1. In "Select Destination", select the Network resource (remote CIFS share). No need to transfer the contents of your current "My Documents" folder.
  1. Install ARMA 3 and Subscribe to any number of Missions via Steam Workshop.
  1. Open ARMA 3 and attempt to launch one of these missions. The missions are listed but you will be unable to view the cover-image of each mission and ARMA 3 will fail to launch the missions, with a misleading error message indicating that there is not enough disk space.
  1. Launch an ARMA 3 Campaign, save the progress, exit ARMA 3 and try to reload the Campaign. The options RESUME and REVERT will be missing. You will only have the option of starting the campaign from the beginning.

Event Timeline

ntsarb edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 3 2014, 1:42 AM
ntsarb edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
ntsarb set Category to Other.
ntsarb set Reproducibility to Always.
ntsarb set Severity to None.
ntsarb set Resolution to Open.
ntsarb set Legacy ID to 1666948059.May 7 2016, 6:04 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: AD2001.Mar 3 2014, 1:42 AM