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Unlimited holding capacity for load-bearing equipment
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Unloading a weapon with right-click in the inventory screen will FORCE the ammunition into a container (fatigues/vest/backpack) on the ground even if it makes it over capacity. Doing so allows you to carry many thousands of rounds and dozens of rockets into battle.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Good example are your fatigues as they don't typically hold much to begin with.

  1. Drop your fatigues on the floor and open it up into the inventory menu.
  2. Unload your weapon directly into it by right clicking the weapon's magazine.
  3. Reload your weapon from another container (such as your backpack or a crate) and unload again directly into your fatigues.
  4. You can repeat this with however much ammunition you can find, far exceeding the load capacity of your fatigues. Indeed, you can fit as many rockets as you can find into your fatigues alone.
Additional Information

Possibly related to Issue ID 0016968. See that issue for a screenshot of 38 rockets stored in a single backpack via this forced unloading.

Event Timeline

SpecialCookies edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
SpecialCookies set Category to Inventory.
SpecialCookies set Reproducibility to Always.
SpecialCookies set Severity to None.
SpecialCookies set Resolution to Open.
SpecialCookies set Legacy ID to 2262899717.May 7 2016, 5:47 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: AD2001.Jan 22 2014, 2:09 AM