BIS_fnc_posUTMToDeg has a typo on line 42 - missing underscore from variable '_n':
_D0 = (35 * _a * n^3 / 48) * (1 - _n + 11 * _n * _n / 16);
should read:
_D0 = (35 * _a * _n^3 / 48) * (1 - _n + 11 * _n * _n / 16);
I don't think any of these are outputting the correct information. it also appears that Altis' mapArea & lat/lon configs are set incorrectly -
[-35.152,16.661] call BIS_fnc_posDegToUTM returns:
and using a copy of BIS_fnc_posUTMtoDeg with the reported typo fixed:
(([-35.152,16.661] call BIS_fnc_posDegToUTM) call DSP_fnc_posUTMToDeg) returns:
[-21.0066,2.39136] (posUTMtoDeg returns opposite: [lon,lat]) - a bit off the coast of Liberia, when the result should be the coordinates inputted
Altis' mapArea i believe too set to somewhere in Saudi Arabia [25.012,39.7185,25.4815,40.0946] - (first set is Bottom Left, second set is Top Right)