It would be great if Mission Creators could extend the existing configfile with configs defined in the mission
I have 2 ideas how this could be done:
- Allow config.cpp file in the mission root
- Allow scriptcommands that use classnames to also use configpaths
This way we could define the classes in description.ext and call it like:
player addWeapon (missionConfigFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> "myCusomWeapon")
It would also be helpful if we could inherit inside the missionconfigfile from classes from the configfile
Example Description.ext:
class cfgVehicles
class my_Hummingbird : B_Heli_Light_01_F
weapons[] = {"CMFlareLauncher"};
I'm sure that it isn't that easy and I dont know if it would be vulnerable for hacking or something like that but I think every missionmaker would benefit from this