Okay I think the time has come
ARMA 3 is so fluid and fast and effortless, not only compared to ARMA 2 but compared to both real life and other FPS
I think it's now time for ARMA to encapsulate the other leading FPS games gamestyles
What I am suggesting is BF-style game modes with ticket systems and forced 1st person in ARMA 3
Currently the closest thing we have to what I envision is "King of the Hill" gamemodes, which are essentially a large capture-and-hold gamemode.
What is missing is;
1 - ticket system - dying should cost the team. currently in KOTH it does not matter how many times you die outside of getting a good personal score
2 - strategic holdpoints - currently "the zone" in KOTH is a 750m radius circle. I suggest multiple, smaller circles, strongpoints, strategically placed. Getting a kill inside these areas will triple the players reward
3 - other game modes such as capture the flag etc
Yes, these game modes are not in essence realistic. I understand that. They are, however, a VERY good way to practice skills and mindsets that are realistically useful.
PS What I don't want to see is rewards for reviving teammates. This should be up to the soldiers themselves to see the benefits of keeping up their own numbers.
Oh yes and obviously dont have things like "spawn on squad" etc