Default Formation FSM includes some very basic level AI behaviours definition. Notably:
class Search_path__Covering { name = "Search_path__Covering"; class Init { function = "searchPath"; parameters[] = {10,5}; thresholds[] = {}; };
the above "parameters[] = {10,5}" when modified make AI relax or tighten the distance in meters from an expectedDestination, at a given time, a certain member in a AI group will adopt when moving while in danger.
This is like a formation loosening factor. Allowing this to be dynamicaly set in a script to {0,0}, disregarding AI danger mode, would tighten the pathfinding of the unit.
This would assumingly present a solution to the infamous "AI takes too long to retreat" or such AI apparent disobedience behaviours or unresponsiveness (busy finding too wide a path), since the AI would then not deviate from expected formation position.
This would open the possibility to have such AI flexibility presented to the player via a commanding menu.