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Texture detail automatically lowering
Closed, ResolvedPublic


During the alpha I was able to select very high and ultra texture detail with my gtx 460 1GB and the game ran perfectly. However I notice that now, If I try to turn up my graphics towards ultra or even very high the texture detail starts defaulting down to standard or even sometimes low and the other options are simply removed!
Now hang on a minute, If my PC can't handle certain graphics setting I want to be the judge of that because with a slight amount of overclocking I was able to easily run the alpha on ultra texture detail and now I'm being forced to use standard!
If I wanted the game to set my graphics options for me I would just click auto-adjust, please fix this before release!!!


Legacy ID
Game Settings
Steps To Reproduce

Raise graphics settings to very high or ultra with a slightly older GPU.

Additional Information

I realise this is probably due to the fact that cards with lower amounts of memory can run out causing the game to crash but surely you could allow me to choose whatever options I like and then display an error such as "Video card out of memory, Please lower texture detail" If a problem occured.

Event Timeline

spamalot22 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
spamalot22 set Category to Game Settings.
spamalot22 set Reproducibility to Always.
spamalot22 set Severity to None.
spamalot22 set Resolution to Duplicate.
spamalot22 set Legacy ID to 3535883732.May 7 2016, 4:39 PM