The island of Altis is becoming beautiful, that is a good thing. However, there are a few things that sway this away. As I see with with the map is that churches are marked, I find that nice, myself. There's just a couple problems, there are only 3 structures, 2 buildings and 1 building add-on. And you cannot even go into the other church, so actually, there is only 1 building you get to see, and there are over 20 of these buggers. Where is the diversity? Do you expect every single church you see in real life to be the same? (Obviously a game is not real life)
But there should be a bit of diversity, especially for something that is marked on the map.
My second issue with the structures is that you cannot enter every structure, now I understand that some would be less practical to enter, like a wind turbine, but buildings you cannot enter are a pain in my opinion, and I think ideally, all should be allowed entrance.