The values of opticsZoomMin, opticsZoomMax, and opticsZoomInit in an OpticsModes config for a Weapon are only correctly displayed when the game is at the default world FOV (fovTop=0.75; fovLeft=1.2).
When the world FOV is increased in Username.Arma3Profile, the FOV displayed in the optics is also increased. This is easiest to see with old-style 2D optics, such as those used on the PCML, but 3D optics are also affected.
Using CBA's cba_fnc_getFov function, I was able to determine that my optics set to have opticsZoomInit FOV 0.0872 actually displayed at a FOV of 0.129 when the game FOV was set to 90 degrees (fovTop=1.13; fovLeft=1.80; at 1680x1050).
This is not correct behavior; the FOV through optics should always be the same. Altering the FOV will give some players more or less magnification, so this is technically a balance issue as well. {F21869}