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Modules Like ARMA 2 in ARMA 3 (REVIVE,"simulation of alternative wound","Simple First Aid","battlefield clearance")
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In ARMA 3 Beta I dont see Modules Like "simulation of alternative wound","Simple First Aid","battlefield clearance" and "First Aid System".
I use a lot these modules to create missions in ARMA 2 and would like to be in ARMA 3 to perform these missions. And a module that would be really useful is to load bodies into vehicles like helicopters, trucks and cars.
I like Armaholic but i like more a official module

Thanks for you time and i hope you can created Its


Legacy ID
Feature Request

Event Timeline

Ltluis edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Aug 31 2013, 3:09 PM
Ltluis edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Ltluis set Category to Feature Request.
Ltluis set Reproducibility to N/A.
Ltluis set Severity to None.
Ltluis set Resolution to Open.
Ltluis set Legacy ID to 2320575303.May 7 2016, 4:24 PM
Tito added a subscriber: Tito.May 7 2016, 4:24 PM
Tito added a comment.Aug 31 2013, 3:16 PM

I am friend of Ltluis and he created nice misission with this modules and i think it modules will be very good in arma 3

Again Thanks for your Work it is great

B00tsy added a subscriber: B00tsy.May 7 2016, 4:24 PM

I read yesterday that more modules will be added alongside with the campaign. Yay :>

Ltluis added a subscriber: Ltluis.May 7 2016, 4:24 PM

Thanks For the information. Where do you read its? Thanks

The REVIVE module will be in the future?

AD2001 added a subscriber: AD2001.May 7 2016, 4:24 PM

No, but you can script it and there are already tons of revive scripts out there.

Thanks for the information but I know it, What I wonder is whether they will exist in the future modules found in title. I want this modules like ARMA 2 to created more simple mission

I do to. It's ridiculous that they wouldn't put in a revive/drag/carry module in the game. They already have the animation why not apply it to a script and put it into a module in the game? Hell I'll pay for it to be in the game