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Weapon jamming or malfunction feature (For realism)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


It would be cool to have weapon jamming or malfunction present in the game. it would not take much to do as maybe you could have the jam be the same procedure which is to reload the weapon. A icon for a weapon jam can show up and the user could reload or use the action menu to solve the jam. For me personally, the jam should be set to a rare presence as it would be annoying to have it frequently. but the occasional jam would add intensity of trying to get you gun back into battery to be ready for the fight.


Legacy ID
Feature Request
Additional Information

Hope you guys could take this feature into consideration. :)

Thx BI for your hard work at the game and thank you very much for letting normal gamers like us help to make this game awesome!

Event Timeline

Justinbellic edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Justinbellic set Category to Feature Request.
Justinbellic set Reproducibility to N/A.
Justinbellic set Severity to None.
Justinbellic set Resolution to Open.
Justinbellic set Legacy ID to 2387647231.May 7 2016, 3:56 PM
Justinbellic added a subscriber: Justinbellic.

Just realised there is already a weapon malfunction post. well....... count this as a second vote

Closed as it is a duplicate.