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friendly fire between blue and green will (de)activate wrong/all triggers
Closed, ResolvedPublic


if this error happen all repeatly triggers in the mission will be deactivated, fires up the deactivation-code and don't work anymore. This will stop all repeatly triggers on map.

This issue will happen if player is green and shoot down friendly blues, or player is blue and shoot down some friendly greens.

unable to design a mission with green faction and blue player, if green is friendly to bluefor.
This issue don't show up if the green is friendly to nobody. {F21255}


Legacy ID
No Bug
AI Issues
Steps To Reproduce

easy to reproduce:

download mission, or go to editor

  1. place a trigger:

Bluefor / Repeatly / Present
ON ACT. {}
ON DEA. {hint "OMG";}

  1. place the player, a blue rifleman, into trigger area
  1. place some green soldiers into the triggerarea
  1. set "Independents are friendly to: Bluefor" (weathersettings)
  1. click PREVIEW
  1. don't move and shoot down some greens

If the player don't move the bluefor trigger deactivation {hint "OMG";} should never run, but
result is: the Bluefor-Trigger fires up the deactivation-event, the hint "OMG" will be shown on screen. And no error will be displayed.
If there are more triggers on the map then they are all deactivated after this error happen.

Additional Information

happen in Arma 3 Beta and Arma 3 BetaDev, I notcied this issue first in v0.6x

Event Timeline

CJoke edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Aug 5 2013, 12:10 PM
CJoke edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
CJoke set Category to AI Issues.
CJoke set Reproducibility to Always.
CJoke set Severity to None.
CJoke set Resolution to No Bug.
CJoke set Legacy ID to 2377130580.May 7 2016, 3:51 PM
CJoke edited a custom field.
CJoke added a subscriber: CJoke.
CJoke added a comment.Aug 5 2013, 4:53 PM

can't find any workarround

CJoke added a comment.Aug 5 2013, 10:43 PM

here again:
after some more tests I found that the gameengine change player-side to "ENEMY" while dooing friendly fire... that is the reason why no trigger react to the player anymore after friendly fire.

for big missions you need a complex spawnsystem to keep fps. and with those spawnsystem all enviroment (enemys, squads, cars, civs, animals, ammoboxes etc.) arround the player will delete if the player disapear from the triggers.
So my squad cannot shoot back to my friendly fire, because they got deleted from spawnsystem a little bit faster after the gameengine changed my side to "ENEMY".

This player-side-change behavior on friendly fire should be changed. The engine should use an internal setfriend 0 or something like that, but please keep the playder-side.

workarround is to monitor player-side (while{true}) and change it back if player-side change to "ENEMY"...

(cannot edit the title from this issue)

CJoke added a comment.Aug 6 2013, 7:27 AM

workarround to prevent the player sidechange to sideEnemy:

player setUnitRank "COLONEL"; // = rating 7500
true spawn {

while{(true)} do { 
    waitUntil{sleep 0.3;rating player < 7000}; 
    player setUnitRank "COLONEL"; //= rating 7500 
    hint ("HEY STOP! friendlyfirecounter: " + str CountFriendlyDeath); 


CJoke added a comment.Aug 6 2013, 7:33 AM

it is no bug, but this friendlyfire playersidechange behavior should be changed, to make missioncreating much easier.