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Loading game in Multiplayer just hangs on Stratis maps
Closed, ResolvedPublic


If I try to run a game or load a game in multi player I just get the main picture (map) This is only with the latest update.
Windows task manager states still running
I have tried 20 times now same issue I can press escape and goes back to the multi player menu

If i run the editor I can load the game.

This is Version: 0.73.108127 {F21052} {F21053} {F21054} {F21055} {F21056}


Legacy ID
Game Crash
Additional Information

Up until now I have had no major loading playing issues apart from minor bugs that have already been reported

I am running fx-4100 - 16GB ddr3 crucial ram - Geforce Gigabyte 660Ti 2 GB OC GPU

Event Timeline

Brits edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jul 24 2013, 9:58 PM
Brits edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Brits set Category to Game Crash.
Brits set Reproducibility to Always.
Brits set Severity to None.
Brits set Resolution to Fixed.
Brits set Legacy ID to 4024826921.May 7 2016, 3:39 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: Brits.Jul 24 2013, 9:58 PM

Version: 0.73.108127

Updated GPU drivers to latest and still the same issue.. this is only hapening to multiplayer games...

Can you please upload more rpt files with this issue? Try five times and then upload last five rpt files. Thank you.

I have uploaded two more from last night and when I get home I will run the game and do 3 more for you

Brits added a comment.Jul 25 2013, 9:59 PM

Ok tonights update 100MB one seems to have resolved the issue..

Cool, thank you for info.