There is old problem parented from OFP. All distant objects incorrect rendering on ground shadows. This reduces all camouflage features in all OFP-Arma series, which most important in such game. See attachments! Pics from: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?154482-Forest-ambient-occlusion
Problem is in calculation and raytracing, but im offer cheap and easy solution from Cinema industry where i work:
- game engine should fix this without expensive raytraced calculation, but with color correction(precisely "Match Grading", see such article in search machine).
- when we draw object over something(i.e. ground), we should pick pixel color sample from background(ground) of object and match colors and luminocity of object to that sample.
So, we can match luminocity and colors of soldier to ground without shadow calculation on this object.
Thanks. {F20926} {F20927}