The “gunners” position of the SDV submarine has vertical misalignment between the PIP display crosshair and the periscope optics view which increases with vertical angle above horizontal (I.e. it’s not a constant error but one that multiplies with angle above horizontal)
From my quick calculations using the angle display in the periscope optics view:
Horizontal is approximately 2.67deg above the current 0deg horizontal point in the periscope optics view using sea level on a wall 194m away.
With the periscope optics view at 0deg the PIP display about agree with each other, however this point is ~ <23m in front of the SDV.
With the PIP targeted on the top of a red/white water tower 370m away the optics view are only just above true horizontal. (sdv2.jpg)
With the optics view sighted on the top of the red/white water tower the PIP end up pointing at the sky. (sdv3.jpg)
With the PIP targeted on the building on top of the little hill in sdv4.jpg the arrow shows the approximate location where the optics view is cantered.
With the optics view sighted on the building on top of the little hill, the PIP is flipped and has gone past vertical almost to horizontal some ~ 163deg further than the optics view has moved.
Also as the periscope 3d modal at default periscope depth is still submerged yet the PIP and optics view as being above water, this means the heights are off between the view and the modal. (sdv1.jpg)
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