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[Steam Alpha] Marksman´s weapon is duplicated upon taking to players inventory
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Infantry mise: Pokud si vezmete zbraň od toho odstřelovače na začátku pak se podíváte na toho odstřelovače tak pak mu ta zbraň nezmizela, i když jí máte v ruce.

English (Google translator):
Infantry mission: If you take the marksman´s weapon from the beginning then you look at the marksman and then he saw the gun disappeared, even if you have it in your hand. {F19788}


Legacy ID
Unable To Duplicate
Steps To Reproduce


  1. Spuťte infantry misi.
  2. Jděte k odstřelovači na zácátku.
  3. Zabte ho nebo počkejte na jeho skonání.
  4. Koukněte se do jeho příslušného vybavení.
  5. U jeho zbraně dejte pravé tlačítko na myši.
  6. Teď se vám ta zbraň ostřelovače naklonovala do vašeho příslušného vybavení.

English (google translator):

  1. sputum infantry mission.
  2. Go to the marksman at the beginning.
  3. Kill him or wait for his dying day.
  4. Look in the relevant equipment.
  5. With his arms give the right button on the mouse.
  6. Now you cloned the marksman´s gun in your respective equipment.
Additional Information

Game: Arma III. Alpha on the steam
Version: 0.5.101892

Event Timeline

DanWerwolf edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
DanWerwolf set Category to Engine.
DanWerwolf set Reproducibility to Always.
DanWerwolf set Severity to Minor.
DanWerwolf set Resolution to Unable To Duplicate.
DanWerwolf set Legacy ID to 301005053.May 7 2016, 2:29 PM

Please try reproduce in latest Steam version. I didn't reproduce it.