this happens quite a lot and it seems like it happens when you land on a hill side and for some reason there is a lot of drag on the chopper and it falls over and stays that way
- Legacy ID
- 1943745048
- Severity
- None
- Resolution
- No Bug
- Reproducibility
- Always
- Category
- Game Physics
Steps To Reproduce
landing on hillside
Event Timeline
Comment Actions
Just because a helicopter falls on its side even when running on or close the ground at low speed and e.g. gets the rotors snapped off etc etc doesn’t mean it should explode or even catch fire, given many military helicopters have fire suppression systems.
Youtube is littered with helicopter crash videos showing low speed crashes, crashes from low/stationery hovers caused by tail rotor failures or rotor entanglements, even helicopters striking the ground at ~60kph at low angles, which show they don’t explode unless there is significant speed and high angles involved at point of impact, even fire doesn’t happen that often.
Having everything explode at the merest provocation is very Hollywood