A.I. controlled helicopter with a waypoint order to transport/unload in a specific area will sometimes not complete the order and the pilot will instead repeat the order "disembark" or will ignore the order and move on to second waypoint (if any).
- Legacy ID
- 2103967956
- Severity
- None
- Resolution
- Duplicate
- Reproducibility
- Sometimes
- Category
- AI Issues
Steps To Reproduce
- Create a manned BLUFOR or OPFOR helicopter capable of transporting soldiers. (do not set special to "flying" for this specific replication)
- Create a separate squad of soldiers outside of the helicopter you just created.
- Give the squad leader of the squad you just created a waypoint order to "Get In" the transport helicopter you previously created.
- Give the transport helicopter a waypoint order to "Transport/Unload" in a decent LZ (locations I tried to have heli unload at was a dirt road northwest of Agia Marina and a few random locations around and inside the small camp norhtwest of Camp Maxwell).
Additional Information
- The helicopter never unloads on the designated waypoint (always transports in a diagonal 50-100 meter offset I think)
- Helicopter will not unload soldiers on some roads or on some sections of roads (might have something to do with elevation of terrain?)
- Despite helicopter not wanting to land in some decent LZs, it sometimes will land in harder LZs instead within the vicinity of the waypoint (even on a hill close to a forest)
Event Timeline
Comment Actions
We are very sorry, this issue was closed as duplicate.
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